
Add a jqPlot chart to your Angular application.

Code on Github Download (0.0.1)



<section ng-app="myChartingApp" ng-controller="DemoCtrl">
  <div ui-chart="someData" chart-options="myChartOpts" ></div>

  angular.module('myChartingApp', ['ui.chart'])
    .value('charting', {
      pieChartOptions: {
        seriesDefaults: {
          // Make this a pie chart.
          renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer,
          rendererOptions: {
            // Put data labels on the pie slices.
            // By default, labels show the percentage of the slice.
            showDataLabels: true
        legend: { show:true, location: 'e' }
    .controller('DemoCtrl', function ($scope, charting) {
      $scope.someData = [[
        ['Heavy Industry', 12],['Retail', 9], ['Light Industry', 14],
        ['Out of home', 16],['Commuting', 7], ['Orientation', 9]

      $scope.myChartOpts = charting.pieChartOptions;